Occupational Therapy
What Is Occupational Therapy (OT)?
Occupational Therapy helps people live their best lives at home, school and work. Occupational Therapists can support you in doing the things you both want to do and need to do. This can mean helping you overcome the barriers to learning at school, participating in volunteer or work activities, being part of a community group or simply just getting the dishes done. Occupational Therapists work holistically and focus on your wellbeing, what is going on around you and your ability to participate in your day to day activites.
Occupational Therapists work with people of all ages across the many different stages of their lives. We tailor interventions and activities to help you build and improve your capacity. Our occupational therapists provide a safe and supportive online space that helps neurodivergent people understand and accept themselves while learning new skills, strategies, and life hacks to get by!
Our OTs can help with
Executive Functioning:
Executive functions are mental processes for getting things done, starting from the desire to do something, and then persevering until it is actually accomplished. Executive functions include: activation, effort, focus, emotion, working memory, and action. OTs can help you with strategies to target all of these problem areas to make your daily tasks, life commitments and responsibilities more manageable. ​
The Sensory World:
We will assist you to understand your sensory profile, help you work out what changes you can make to your environment, and what accommodations you can ask for to reduce how overwhelming the sensory world is and improve your sensory comfort and even find sensory joy!
ADHD Coaching:
Our OTs can help ADHDers with strategies and skills to get started on important tasks and projects, switch tasks when needed, organise and plan more effectively, remember important commitments, improving focus, working out how to stay motivated and learning to better self-monitor and regulate if there are difficulties with impulsivity, hyperactivity, or heightened emotions.
Apps, Tech, Gadgets and Cool Things:
The modern world brings a lot of challenges for neurodivergent people - but there are also a lot of useful and helpful apps, gadgets and technology out there to help us navigate this world. An OT's goal is to help you simplify your cognitive load through knowing what modern tech is out there that could make your life easier - and take the pressure off our exhausted brains.
Our All Star OT Team
Please click here to complete our waitlist and matching form. ​Our waitlist and matching form is designed to gather basic information about your needs to make sure we can offer you the service you need. This form also helps us match you with a clinician with the skills and experience to meet your needs.​​​